Reese Rose Design
Easy Eats
A mobile app redesign to improve a startup's food delivery app on college campuses.
  • Role
    Product Designer
  • Duration
    Three Days
  • Tools
    Figma and Maze
Easy Eats, a student-run food delivery startup that operates exclusively on college campuses, aims to bridge the gap between students and local businesses. While other food delivery apps can only drop off orders at designated locations on campus, Easy Eats offers delivery directly to dorm doors.
In a three-day design challenge, Easy Eats asked me to modernize their app by streamlining customer experience, improving brand trust, and increasing conversion. I took on this challenge by understanding the needs of their users, the advantages of their competitors, and the new features that would make Easy Eats stand out.
The current Easy Eats app suffers from an uninspired and clunky design, text that is too small, low color contrast, and a lack of basic usability heuristics, such as error prevention and visibility of system status.
I imagined two personas based on the expected Easy Eats users. The first persona is a group of nursing majors who like to order food together for their weekly group study sessions. They have a difficult time figuring out how to split the bill, and are annoyed when someone takes too long to decide what they want. The second persona is an adventurous foodie with a strong moral compass. He doesn't like ordering the same thing twice and wants to support his college town's local community when he gets food delivered.
Group ordering, scheduled deliveries, featured local restaurants, and the option to round up bills for charity will excite existing customers and draw new users to sign up.
The visual components and features of this redesign are comparable to competitors such as Doordash and UberEats. I implemented a modern user interface complete with a custom layout instead of a white-label app, a trendy brand personality, and high-resolution images of delicious food rather than low quality restaurant logos. I also increased the text size, used a broad palette of WCAG AA compliant colors, and made the information architecture clearer by adding more white space.
Some of the new features I added are scheduled and recurring deliveries, restaurant categorization and sorting, featured restaurants, and the option to round up your bill to donate to a local charity! I've also included multi-restaurant ordering, as Easy Eats is uniquely suited to be the first food delivery service to implement this feature. Their users are likely to live close together, making it easy for drivers to swing by multiple restaurants on the way to drop off orders at each campus. I had just enough time to run a quick usability test using Maze, and the participants thought that my redesign was fresh and easy to navigate.
Users can jump to different sections on the redesigned menu, and items they add will be saved to a cart. The new checkout page offers many more options than previously available, including additional payment methods.
The Easy Eats team is a group of young entrepreneurs who are dedicated to a great customer experience, and their new app reflects their vivacious brand personality from start to finish. The new features and branding demonstrated in my redesign will excite new and existing users to order!
If you have any questions about this project or any of my other work, please don't hesitate to reach out at
Other Projects
A Telehealth app designed to increase the LGBTQ+ community's access to safe medical providers.
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